Original Meaning
You are in the element of pure power at the moment and want to lead and protect others at the same time. You could be adopting a ‘fatherly’ role within your family unit whether you are a male or female. You are striving to be the rock for your family supporting them financially, emotionally and defending them to the hilt. Alternatively you are confident in your ability to lead with a firm but fair grip. You inspire others to work for you with loyalty and respect. Your life experiences have taken you to a level of imparting wisdom and direction with ease. You could be a life coach, teacher, mentor or business owner as this reflects your personal power and willingness to guide people along their path. Alternatively, you could be dealing with a problem that needs to be broken up into tiny strategic pieces so that you can plan a successful solution. Do not back down on anything, your calm, controlled power is all you need at this time.