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Original Meaning

It seems you have got the balance right! You could be looking after the kids, running your home and still having time for that job you love. You have reached a stage of complete stability and are the strength for your friends and family as well as being able to provide a comfortable and well managed home life with oodles of TLC. Be sure though to take some ‘me’ time so you can keep up this busy and fulfilled life. Finance, home life and free flowing love are there to be had for you. Everything that you aspire to seems to be surrounding you in abundance. You may also have an important female in your life, whether it is a mother figure, a counsellor, teacher or mentor, she is helping you live a full and stable life. Oh happy days! Enjoy it, but look after yourself too!

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What this card may mean in the Celtic Cross

If you’ve scanned the QR Codes on the back of each Tarot Card, by now you’re more than likely getting familiar with the Upright and Reversed meanings of the cards.
This detailed QR code page will take you even deeper into the meanings of your card and give you examples of what it may mean when drawn in each position of the Celtic Cross tarot spread.

We all long for prosperity, security and abundance in our lives and wow, have you achieved this! It seems that you have mastered the home/work balance where you have all of your loved ones cared for and loved with regular money coming in to boost your happiness! Everything about you at the moment shines with strength, focus and balance. You are the bread winner of the family and are thriving in this loving environment. In fact you could be sharing your wealth with others just to make their day a little brighter. You could also have an amazing mother figure in your life that supports you in every way. Be mindful to look after yourself however, ‘me’ time is a must when you are busy creating the perfect home and work life.

Despite who is around you, you are feeling the need to make sure you are independent financially come what may. You may have a separate savings account or are working hard to secure yourself financially for the future. This is a prudent move as if we can’t sustain ourselves how can we be there for others? Alternatively you may be struggling with the perfect home/work balance. You may be spending too many hours at the office with detriment to your friends and family or the other way round where your family are making demands that are preventing you aspiring to work project and goals. It’s time to establish some priorities here and work out a compromise in order to establish a more healthy home life and work environment. Keep yourself focused and your energy clear by being in your own space to work out your next move. Getting extra help at home may prove to be the right way forward if you are struggling to get everything done.

You could be someone that has a very busy and happy home life but are also balancing this with a demanding job. Despite having so much responsibility, you adore doing both, keeping your family happy as well as achieving a successful career or keeping a good job. You are aiming for the perfect balance where you can nurture your loved ones as well as bring the welcome money in that your job brings. Ideally you don’t want to work too hard to the detriment of your personal life and on the other hand don’t want family demands to encroach on your work life. Find ways to take some time out and in those times of clarity prioritise what can be done to establish the perfect home/life balance. Just remember, you come first and need to establish what will bring best results in both worlds. All in all however, you are going a great job!

You have always wanted to be the perfect parent who can surround your loved ones with loads of love and happiness. You also want to be the bread winner and make sure that all of your loved one’s material needs are met. You seem to be doing a fantastic job at both so why do you worry sometimes that you are not? The most important thing to remember when you want to provide for your loved ones emotionally and financially is to make sure that you’re putting yourself first to avoid any burn out. Don’t let the pressures of home or work life push you too hard. Take some time out to recharge and make sure that you are at optimum strength as you maintain this perfect balance of family life and work ethic.

All we want in life is to have the perfect balance in everything we do. If we have a family we want to love them, shelter them and give them everything that we possibly can. We also want to bring food to the table so most of us are working hard at our jobs and then working hard at home to keep the home fires burning. You had attained this in the past but found that perhaps you were demanding a bit too much of yourself which lead to burn out or discord. Learn from your past. You can still achieve balance in a work and home life setting, just don’t forget to put yourself first. Take some time out to recharge your batteries. Perhaps get some extra home help to ease some of those chores that take up your time. Be mindful to cater to your needs so you can be the strength that you adore to be for your family and work friends.

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You are entering into a phase where your hard work and commitment is going to pay off. You may be nurturing and supporting a family and also holding on to a job that you love. Both of these commitments take a lot of time and effort and it seems that you have mastered the perfect balance. You are the core strength in your family unit and really do sit well knowing that your loved ones are cared for both emotionally and materially. Do be mindful to make sure that you rest up when you can and to keep your batteries regularly charged. By taking on this magnificent role there does come some downfalls if you don’t step out on occasion to clear your energies and remain focused. Balance is key here, be mindful to uphold it.

You love to be the provider for your family whether it is giving them as much love as you can or catering for their material needs. Whatever it is that drives you, you adore being their strength. You are very good at it after all and know that you are there for anyone when they need you. You may also be managing home life with a job that also takes up your time. You see yourself as a balanced and well-rounded person who is covering both home and a work commitment with ease. You are very in tune with yourself right now and know that to keep this momentum going you must take some time for yourself. Without you firing on all cylinders, the balance could be disrupted so be mindful to put yourself first in order that you can always be that strength for others.

Being a part of a family unit brings its rewards and demands. This is particularly so if you are also balancing a work life in the mix. You may be finding yourself running around for the kids or making sure your home is in order and this could be taking its toll. It could be the other way round where you job is demanding more of your time to the detriment of your family. You may need to take some time alone to figure out what are your priorities and if there is any way to relieve some of this responsibility. By doing this you make for a much easier life where you can manage both your home and work life with ease. It’s all about prioritising, asking for help and ditching the things that others can do for themselves.

You just love to be busy! You love to buzz around you family bringing them love and happiness and of course cater to all of their material needs. You may also have a job you love and weave this into your busy home life. You hope that you do a good job at keeping a healthy balance where your work doesn’t interfere with family life too much and vice versa. You do aspire to be the best parent that you can be and also to be the best work colleague or business guru! All of this is great as long as you can establish a healthy balance to both worlds. Juggling all of the demands from work and family can take its toll if it’s not kept in check. You fear that if you lose momentum, everything will start crashing around you. Make sure that you recharge your batteries and prioritise what really needs to be done. The rest can be sorted out by others who have a vested interest in keeping your home fires burning and a healthy bank balance to enjoy!

There is nothing better than being the best parent ever and keeping your family happy along with a cool job that brings the pennies in! Yes it’s great to be the main bread winner or perfect mum or dad but sometimes there has to be a bit of a balance check. You could be entering into a phase where you have really taken on too much in being the ideal parent and the hardest worker in your career. Be mindful to prioritise what really is important and also to recharge your own batteries before worrying about everyone else. By maintaining a healthy work/.home balance and delegating chores that can be done by others will really help you to achieve what you aim for. That aim is a happy home loving member of a thriving family and enjoying your independence professionally.

So now you have an even greater understanding of this card, and how it can be interpreted within the Celtic Cross tarot spread.
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Reversed Position

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