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Original Meaning

Look at you! You are bursting at the seams with new ideas and projects that you are passionate about! You are in a phase of wanting to express your beliefs, thoughts or personal values. This could be through writing, social media, public speaking or joining a committee. You just want to be heard and your enthusiasm in making this happen is second to none. You are exploring new ways to make all of this manifest, so don’t be disheartened if there are any hiccups on the way, just keep on going! You may also be around a person who has this enthusiasm and it is driving you to distraction! Step back for a while and then look upon them with fresh eyes as they may just be teaching you things that will help you in the long run.

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What this card may mean in the Celtic Cross

If you’ve scanned the QR Codes on the back of each Tarot Card, by now you’re more than likely getting familiar with the Upright and Reversed meanings of the cards.
This detailed QR code page will take you even deeper into the meanings of your card and give you examples of what it may mean when drawn in each position of the Celtic Cross tarot spread.

If there was ever a time to start a new project it is now! You are full of fresh ideas and are just champing at the bit to get started. As swords are all about communication this new concept could be about writing a book or a blog. You could be thinking of starting a podcast or making yourself heard on social media. Whatever the project, this is the sign to go for it. As you haven’t quite mastered everything in this new challenge don’t be perturbed if you make mistakes along the way and ensure that you can keep the momentum going. We all learn from our mistakes so don’t let this daunt you. You may have someone around you who is full of ideas and energy to the point that you are getting a little annoyed by them pushing you along. Be patient with them as they might just be showing you the way forward to succeeding in your project.

Lots of is like to keep ourselves to ourselves, you may like to journal or have written a book just for yourself. If you are reticient in wanting to share your message the page may be encouraging you to go forward and let your opinions and thoughts be heard from the rooftops. Alternatively make sure whatever you promise to people you can back up. Don’t keep promises that you can’t keep as this could damage your integrity. Likewise if you are dealing with others make sure you get a handle on their reliability as they could be talking the talk but not walking the walk and not really making any commitment. This is also a card of watching that you don’t act in haste. Think things through and take one step at a time if you are taking on any project or goal.

You are so excited at the moment because you are literally bursting with ideas for a new project or concept that you know will bring you success and abundance. You may even want to find a way to express yourself more through social media, podcasting or writing. Whatever the idea or project you are starting all of the preliminary actions needed to get this off of the ground. Ideally you don’t want to make too many mistakes as you are new to this so make sure you don’t act in haste. Take each step of the journey in your stride and think everything through before you act. You may even have people around you who are inspirational and full of as much energy as you. Keep them on board and allow them to help you realise your vision.

You have no idea why you keep getting this need to express yourself. It keeps coming back into your mind to get going and start a project or social media strategy to allow your voice to be heard. This is because your inner voice knows that you will succeed with this project and keeps pushing you to make a start on it. You may be a little hesitant in wanting to start this project up but if you let the idea flow in your mind you can feel your energy build up with an excitement that you haven’t felt for a while. Let the creative juices flow and start ways to express what you want to say, this really is the right time.

In the past you had an amazing concept that involved you sharing your knowledge or voicing your opinion. This could have been through a job involving communication, social media, a blog, writing or journaling, whatever the project you may have got it up and running. This project may have not succeeded because you either acted too hastily or didn’t think it through. You could have even had been too impatient and not wanted to cross all the T’s and dot all of the I’s. This is why potentially it wasn’t as successful as you wanted it to be. You may have lost confidence. Now is the time to resurrect this idea or continue where you left off as your mind still keeps going back to that project or concept. Take it easy this time, plan as you go. Hindsight is an amazing thing because you have learned where you went wrong which will stand you in good stead for this time round.

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Be excited for what is to come. You have been thinking about this project for a while now and are bursting at the seams in moving this forward from a concept to a reality. Think things through, make a solid plan and let your juices flow with this new idea. It could be anything to do with communication or even writing out your opinion on social media. Whatever it is, you want your voice to be heard and your knowledge shared. So as you fire up all the ideas that are buzzing around in your head know that it’s all going to kick off very soon and start transforming right in front of your eyes. Someone else could have a shared passion for your goal and has as much energy in wanting it to succeed. They may be a bit exuberant, but know that they have a lot of knowledge that could help you in the long run.

You are someone that once committed to a project sees it through to the bitter end. You know that you are capable of taking something from an idea to a tangible project. You are bursting with fresh ideas to do with a new goal that involves you communicating your ideas, opinions and knowledge to the masses. You know that this is the right time to go ahead and start this project off as you have been successful in the past at manifesting your ideas into great successes. You know that you are capable and have to take this all slowly. Sometimes your excitement may make you a little hasty and that is where things can go downhill. So be patient with yourself, take every step as it comes and see this through to the end which will no doubt leave you feeling abundant and fulfilled.

You may have someone around you who is acting like an excited puppy and it is driving you to distraction. They are so full of energy and fresh ideas that they are sharing with you and boy sometimes it can be exhausting. They may have a point though. They could be pointing you in the right direction on something that you could literally shine at. If you are a good communicator or have played with the idea of making your presence known through the written word or on social media, you just might want to hear this person out. Look at them with fresh eyes rather than an irritant as they really do have your best interests at heart.

You have been harbouring these amazing ideas for quite a while now for a new project that leaves you feeling excited. It really is the time to start manifesting these ideas into reality. You hope that these ideas that you have are going to lead to an amazing job or an accomplishment that you can be proud of. This concept could be to do with communicating your knowledge or reaching the masses through the written word or through social media. Whatever the goal you really do want to get it going. You fear that you may not be up for the challenge or it might fall flat on its face. As long as you don’t act in haste and take each stage step by step you really can’t go wrong. Be open to other people’s input that have an energy and passion for what you are doing. This really can work if you believe in yourself and know that what you have to say matters.

When we have ideas in our head, they are just that, ideas. It’s when we bring them into fruition and see them grow as a tangible project is when the magic happens. You are brimming with them! You have been thinking about a new project for so long now but have been putting it off. If you continue to keep them in your head you really will miss the boat. If you start formulating a basic plan and start to write out what’s in your head then you could be on a path to abundance and fulfilment. Swords relate to communication so this could be your ability to communicate your knowledge or thought through the written word, social media etc. Or it could be that your communication skills will enhance this project leading it to amazing success. Whatever these ideas are, go with them, this is your sign to get it started and see where it lands.

So now you have an even greater understanding of this card, and how it can be interpreted within the Celtic Cross tarot spread.
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Reversed Position

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